Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hope, Medicine & Healing Freebies

With all the controversy swirling around Healthcare reform in the U.S., I decided to post some Healthy "freebies" :

Hope, Medicine & Healing is a *FREE* book that is being offered by the Oasis of Hope Hospital in San Diego, CA. Oasis provides alternative cancer treatments designed to improve the mental, spiritual and physical quality of patients' lives.

The Federal Citizens Information Center has a vast collection of informative brochures on health topics (as well as family, food, small business, housing, etc.). The majority of the publications you can order from the site are FREE. Under Health, here's a few of the interesting topics: Antibiotic Resistance, Sports Injuries, How to Get the Best Pharmacy Benefit, and Drug Interactions. Be informed and go green by opting for the PDF version of each of their publications.

The Oregon Dairy Council has a free downloads section that includes: Fuel for Training & Competition, Weight Management, Whey Protein Info and the MyPyramid mini-poster for kids.

And, lastly : Health Profile Organizer FREE pdf download. It's a 13-pg health history form available from Health InfoSTAT. You can print out and fill in all your pertinent info onto the form, or you can opt to download their software and keep a secure copy on your computer.

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